Friday, March 19, 2010


Due to popular demand from my reader, I am starting to post here once again. I've got lots to talk about, including transportation, our garden from last year and this year, and local farm action, just to name a few. Just a short post today to let you know that I am back, dear reader (and you know who you are Mum.) I have to go fire up my personal portable power plant (PPPP...) and drive it to the refueling station to fill its tank with hydrocarbons on my 6-mile commute to work.

Six miles!? Why the hell am I not riding my bike. Well, any of a number of excuses, each lamer than the next. But the main reason is that I forgot to plan my transportation for the week, and when you don't plan, the sheer convenience of the car wins out. Gas is not expensive enough to make a difference in my decision or virtually anyone's decision. If you can afford a car, you can probably afford to fill it with gas.

I'm reading an eBook titled "$20 Per Gallon" by Christopher Steiner. I'm only up to the $8 per gallon chapter, but it's an interesting read. We have so much sprawling infrastructure that will become more expensive to maintain as energy becomes more expensive. With people driving less, there is less income from fuel taxes to spend on that infrastructure, and so it deteriorates further. Higher fuel taxes would be a good place to start. Unbuilding the unmaintainable infrastructure would be a good place to continue. Building smarter infrastructure (light rail, and improved electric grid, for example) is another good endeavor.

OK, off to work then. We start working in the garden tomorrow!

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