Monday, July 7, 2008

Living extra large

As I was hypermiling my way way home this afternoon, a giant SUV cut me off by making a right on red as I was making a left on a green arrow. Typical dickhead maneuver. I had to apply my brakes, which is the acid test for yielding -- if the other guy had to apply his brakes, you didn't yield. Then I noticed that Mr. D. H. was driving -- get this -- a Ford Valdez Excursion! He probably had to run the light just to make it to the next gas station without running out. The best part was when he pulled into the police station a few blocks away, and I looked at his license plate: LVNXLG.

Well, now we'll see if the surveillance extends to local police and bloggers. If you don't hear from me for a month or more, call the ACLU and inform the U.N. I used to live in that town, and felt extorted every year when the police union would call to request a donation. Which, as I found out, is not tax deductible. Which they didn't mention on their phone calls, which started out, "Don't worry, dino, your not in trouble [yet]..."

I hope he enjoys his $175 fill-ups. Dickhead.

1 comment:

Magdalen said...

I cut those calls off right up front and say I only make those decisions based on material sent in the mail.

On a different topic, we had our electrician come over this morning to fix a couple things (yeah, okay, so it turned out that the halogen bulbs just needed to be swapped out even though all the other ones installed at the same time are still good... but the electrician had to come anyway, so it's not as embarrassing).

We got chatting with the guy about wind turbine power on our property. With 24 acres, it makes sense. Unfortunately, it's still five tines as much as I think reasonable. I read about someone in Illinois who installed one for about $12,000 -- that seems about right. Here, it would be closer to $65,000! That's not right. And Pennsylvania doesn't offer incentives. So it ain't happening right away. Maybe in a couple years. But we heard about a good website that has lots of great articles on alternative sources of energy. And it was nice to know our electrician -- he installed and maintains our propane-powered emergency generator -- is interested in installing wind turbines and solar panels.